Game name stylizer
Game name stylizer

game name stylizer

  • In a rare in-universe example, the weapon-making robot Cherry in Robbie's lab attempts to do this with Link, although it comes out as "Hello, *beep* FamiliarNameMissing.".
  • However, if you get Epona through the approbate amiibo, you can't rename her. You can however name any other horse you come across so you could make any of them "Epona" (or whatever else you may like), even with the Royal Family's special white steed or the rare black horse with a wild red mane based on Ganondorf.

    #Game name stylizer series#

    Averted with Link, as the game introduces voice acting into the series and Link is referenced by name.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild:.Interestingly, it was abusing a stack overflow with Epona's name that led to the proliferation of homebrew on the Wii. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: You also get to name your horse.If you manage to steal from the store, the game changes your name to "THIEF" for the rest of the playthrough. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening combines this with No Fair Cheating.Many of the Zelda have an Easter Egg where naming your character "Zelda" gives you some kind of bonus.The Four Swords case is because the Canon Name Link is meant to symbolize a "link to the player", so using the player's own name gives more of a feeling of immersion in the adventure. The Legend of Zelda: With a very few exceptions - the very first game and Breath of the Wild have Link always be called Link while Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures use the player's name as set in the DS options as the default name - allow the player to name the protagonist as they see fit.Infernax: You are allowed to name the Duke any name you see fit when starting up a new save file, and certain names even change the game experience.Your angelic assistant is the only one who refers to you by name, and always calls you "Sir", which adds to the creative process. ActRaiser: The first game lets you name the god you play as.See Artifact Alias for characters who continue the selected name even after their true name has become known. Meaningful Name can be worked in while fitting any of the above. Compare Canon Name, which gives a name to a character with no default name. Often used in tandem with My Name Is ? if the character appears before a name for them is given. Or Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep" - the player is only ever specifically referred to by some title of sorts.Ĭan result in Awesome McCoolname or Unfortunate Names, as seen above.Some games have a predefined surname, but you can give your character whatever first name you want, with characters referring to you either by surname or avoiding using any name.The voice actor may also skip the names completely, so the text says "Good morning, Name" but the voice only says "Good morning."

    game name stylizer

  • Some games have the voice actor call the renamed character by their default name, but the name you gave them will show up in the dialogue box.
  • The very rare exception is having a large list of pre-recorded names to choose from.
  • Other games may provide an In-Series Nickname for your character, or have dialogue written specifically to avoid the character's name ever having to come up at all.
  • This can be accomplished more easily in Japan using the phonetic katakana alphabet than it is in English, but even in games that do have this, the results may still sound strange as it misses out on timing and inflections, and Say My Name loses much of its effectiveness as a result.
  • Some games have attempted voice synthesis.
  • Some games have voiced dialogues with only lines that don't contain the player character's name voiced.
  • Some series have stopped allowing you to name characters at all, so they can be referred to by their intended names.

  • Game name stylizer